
Monday, June 8, 2015

                         THE NEVER-GO FOREST

   Come to my silent forest, you’ll love
          the peace and cool colors

    As you walk into the spooky forest you
           feel almost as if you are
       never going to see the sun again.

You legs start to get cold, you get surrounded
 by grey, cloudy fog. At first you  have a slight 
bit of hope, you keep searching for a way out.

     Later you start to realize you’re
       trapped. You look into the
   horizon and see one tall, lonely tree.

   You trundle along yet to see every tiny
step you take your surroundings get darker,
             and darker, and darker…

          Although you’re still not sure what
       to do, you start running faster than
             lightning… You hear voices.

        You’re as confused as a chameleon
               in a big bag of skittles.

  The tree stands tall, You see a gap with a
       tiny bit of sunlight. You use all your
   energy and sprint towards the sunlight.
                  BY ANNA