
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

          By Thomas, Anna, Jaeha and Simon

As I walk along the sun shines onto my body and scorches my skin. Suddenly I look over my shoulder and see a myriad of sand blowing around everywhere. "Water?” nope that was just my silly   imagination playing tricks on my confused mind.

The sound of snakes hissing like crazy chaotic beasts rings on my ears. The sandstorms are strong enough to knock me off my feet. I could taste dry gritty sand getting blown into my eyes and mouth, it felt like sand was all over my body. The cactus danced in the heat.

Then without warning a slithery snake starts crawling along my body, I hold in my breath silently  hoping it won’t hear me, my fear has overtaken me.

Meanwhile I see a brown , rusty , gritty tumbleweed trundling along. In the horizon I see a pack of grizzling coyotes (obviously I avoided that direction).

As I trundle along my tired feet sink into the burning hot sand.
                        THE DESERT

As I’m walking along the scorching hot sand, some gritty sweat drips from my forehead into my dry mouth.

Walking along the sun burns my skin. Water? Nope, that was just my silly imagination playing tricks on my confused mind.

The cactus dances in the heat. I’m as tired as a slug that has been slithering along for 10 days straight.

One second felt like a mile. I feel that if I took one more  step I will collapse into the sand.

As I gaze into the horizon, the yellow land looks completely decimated. Suddenly some sandy wind blows me around all over the place.

I  felt so skinny, my bones were sticking out of my exhausted body. My eyes feel full of gritty sand.

“Chippa choppa, Chippa choppa,” I look in the air and a smile spreads across my face. I throw my hands up in the air with all my energy and wave side to side. I was as eager as a bird that has been trapped in a cage for weeks.

The helicopter flies down to my rescue. “I’m FREEEEE!”

                BY ANNA