
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

    Anna’s Cross Country Writing

The cold, winter wind hit my face as I conquered Mt. Everest (aka. the hill) I took a small glimpse of the horizon behind me, “Go Anna, you can do it!” Shouted Mrs. Foster, which gave me a slight boost of the energy I needed.

i felt as tired as a 99 year old man doing the Tongariro crossing. Although my body was exhausted, I kept on trundling along the worn out, rutted track.

I felt like every step i took, it got me closer and closer, to either collapsing onto the soft, green grass or vomiting.

Suddenly, I heard screaming. I look to the left and Kim has ALREADY crossed the finish line, I have around 100,000km to go.
Instead of focussing on how much i wanted to be at home laying in my cosy bed, drinking some refreshing, ice cold lemonade, I tried my hardest to think about chocolate...mmm… or what delicious food my mum was cooking for dinner.

YES!!!! I’m finally there! The finish line was waiting for me!! The finish chute was a red carpet, and I was the star doing the walk (run) of fame.

                b  BY ANNA

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