
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

               BE KEPT IN ZOOS

I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in zoos for these reasons, they are locked up in a cage with visitors, they don’t have lots of friends or family there and they can’t hunt for their own food.

First of all those poor, innocent animals are locked away behind bars like prisoners. Imagine being a cute little zoo animal, and you decide to go for a little wonder, you take about 5 steps then you pretty much face plant into the wall. You try your hardest to escape, but NO, YOU ARE TRAPPED!!! and also you pretty much can’t do anything in private. People watch you eat, people watch you pee, people watch you do rest. People watch you do EVERYTHING. There is NO PRIVACY.When back in the wild you feel as free as a student rushing out of the evil world of detention!! (DUN... DUN… DUNNNN) You (the animals)can run around anywhere they like, they will live in FREEEEDDDDOOOMMMM!!

Next, They don’t have a lot of friends or family there. Imagine just having your new born baby getting taken away… BY A COMPLETE STRANGER!!!! Or imagine just having the first glimpse of your Mummy and you get snached.
Now imagine a poor, little, harmless, lonely animal BY HIMSELF. I’ve been to the zoo before, and once there was animal all alone, by himself, in the rain, crying…(just joking) (but he was all alone)

Third of all, Those animal can’t even hunt for their own food , or even pick what they want to eat. The closest the zookeepers can get to the real wildlife is putting food in a little cage, then in a tree for the giraffes, and for the lions they tie up meat to a string and hang it up. Delicous (

So… Do you believe that animals should NOT be kept in zoos or do you think they should live in zoos… Well i think they should live in FREEEEDDDOOOMM!!!!!!

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